MAX Media

31815 Camino Capistrano
Suite 17
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Phone 949-488-7860 Fax 949-488-7861


Fr: John Graziano
Re: Business World News, Health World News and Entertainment World News
Date: 11/15/01

Business World News, Health World News
and Entertainment World News have been approved by every appropriate National Cable Network that airs half-hour sponsored or syndicated programming. In fact, many of the more popular and upscale networks are very desirous of running these programs due to their high production values and interesting subject matter. 

Many of the better quality networks often turn down programs because of their content. BWN, HWN, and EWN however, are known as very attractive programs with interesting and educational content and great viewer appeal. They are viewed by these networks and stations as a quality program that has passed the media’s strict approval process and met all of their standards and practices criterion.

These programs fit in nicely on any of the above networks and will be viewed by large and appropriate audiences. The high profile nature of these networks and their strict programming criteria offer great value to your program participants and lend credibility to their products and services. 

If you would like additional information, please let me know.