Episode #: 89
Show: Regional 10
Airdates: July - Jan '01 (see Programming Schedule for specific airtimes)

The ultimate fiber optic networking system?


  • A company called PurOptix has developed the ultimate networking system to bring telephone, television, and ultra-high-speed Internet to consumers and businesses on an all fiber optic network infrastructure. From a utility companies in the mid-west to Middle-East countries, the PurOptix System has attracted the attention of leading companies providing voice, video, and data services to metropolitan areas. Replacing the existing telephone and cable networks with an all-optical network solution is the way of the future, and the professionals at PurOptix pride themselves at being at the forefront of this change. We go to Pat Matthews for the report...
Broadcast Excerpts
A company called PurOptix has developed what they say is the ultimate networking system to bring telephone, television, and ultra-high-speed Internet to consumers and businesses on an all fiber optic network infrastructure. The company was incorporated in 1999 after several years of technology development. Located in Carlsbad California, PurOptix is now testing prototype systems in the lab with first field deployments planned for 2001.

From a utility company in the mid-west to a country in the Middle-East, the PurOptix System has attracted the attention of leading companies providing voice, video, and data services to metropolitan areas. Replacing the existing telephone and cable networks with an all-optical network solution is the way of the future, and the professionals at PurOptix pride themselves at being at the forefront of this change. We go to Pat Matthews for the report.




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