Episode #: 88
Show: National 9
Airdates: Mar - Aug '01 (see Programming Schedule for specific airtimes)

How advanced membrane transducers will revolutionize many industries


  • The Porrazzo AMT Advanced Membrane Transducer can be used as a microphone, antenna, speaker, and a sensor and can perform these tasks simultaneously! BWN uncovers the man behind the product and its many applications.
Broadcast Excerpts
Opening narration:

"This is Business World News.."

On today's show we:

Spotlight the inventor of a communications device that's poised to revolutionize the entire world of Communications. Is he the Edison of our time? Stay tuned to find out!

We also look at the how the Internet is permeating into every facet of our lives, even our Insurance Policies. We speak to a specialist who says in the future, we won't have to deal with those dreaded Insurance Salesmen anymore.

Then, we see how Corporate America is scrambling to get connected in a Broadband Era and how Optical Networking will shape the future of the Multi Media World.

..We also get an insight into how the Dental Industry has embraced the World Wide Web and we'll take you to a Web Site that helps parents make the process fun for their kids.

And finally, imagine using the computer with your eyes only. Well today we investigate the revolutionary new technology called "Quick Glance", your eyes won't believe it!

Business World News, with your hosts, Mark Kriskie and Penny Griego.

Plus: Berit Mason
Norm McBride
Jonelle Caudill
Doug Eberhart
Dana Ditrani
And Pat Matthews 

>From our Studios in Hollywood, this is Business World News.

When we think of Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell, a sense of pride overwhelms us, for these are the men that have shaped our last century. So moving into the next millennium, who do we look to as leaders and pioneers in a technology driven world? Perhaps the names Edward Porrazzo and Robert Chappell will hold the same esteem, in centuries to come, for these are the inventors of our time whose technologies promise revolutionary changes in the way we communicate.

Revolutionary indeed Mark, and as you know, most of the companies we profile on our show have in some way or another changed the face of their respective industries. Broadband technologies and the Internet are also sectors of the communications industry boasting dynamic changes. Today we feature some of the companies spearheading these changes.


Well Penny, we start today's show off with an extremely exciting story. A new communication technology, using a fully digital transducer, has just hit the market. It's known as Advanced Membrane Technology, and is a thin film of plastic that can be applied to almost any surface transforming it into wireless antenna, a microphone, a loudspeaker, a sensor, and even a 3-D joystick -- all simultaneously. 

Now, you may wonder how is this possible, but the technology is real and has been used by the military and NASA for years. It is presently being adopted by some of the worlds leading companies for production in systems ranging from PCs to Mobile Phones, from the Internet to Home Entertainment, from Smart Clothes and Fashion Accessories to new kinds of Medical Devices, Toys and even Robots.

Mark, this is indeed one of the most interesting stories we've covered and with this new technology, the experts believe we'll see a complete transformation in our world and everything electronic. Invented by Ed and Karen Porrazzo, this product promises a paradigm shift in the way we live, work and play. Dennis Newhall reports.

What about its performance in different environments Russ, if this thing is going to be used in so many different applications?




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